IT'S TRUE, a good photograph can speak for itself. But from the beginning of photography, not so long ago really, photographers and those who are moved by photos have talked, discussed, argued and written about their passion, Me too. I love trying to understand what it is that fascinates me about photography, what it is that I struggle to achieve when I am out in the field photographing, or at home in my studio working on polishing a fine print.
On this page you'll find links to several different essays and talks that I have written in an attempt to put the inexpressible into words. I hope you enjoy them. And for my part, I would enjoy your feedback on these ideas:
Just click on the red titles above & right, to access these essays.
Studio: Box 2, Crestone Colorado 81131 USA
Click HERE to email Linde
© 2008–2021 Linde Waidhofer.
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